⬛️ Blackboard Rating:
💼 The Brief:
AGTCFG presents an inspiring Blackboard presentation on the subject of day trading. The video is a powerful tool to reinforce the lessons I'm learning and provides practical guidance for individuals interested in the topic. The experience of using headphones enhances the immersion. It makes it ideal for listening while training in the gym or engaging in other activities that allow you to work and listen to audio simultaneously.
🔬 Through the King’s Lens:
The video comprises notes I took from a highly recommended book on the topic, which I share in the video, so we’re skipping engaging quotes and interesting facts and insights. Instead, we’re diving straight into my perspective through the king’s lens.
Money and finances are sometimes difficult to discuss in the kingdom of God. Aside from the guilt one might associate with abundance, knowing Jesus had nowhere to lay his head1, there’s the abuse of tithes by crooked preachers, mega-church pastors in Bentley’s and designer clothes, TV preachers selling prayer cloths and Holy water, and the list goes on.
I get it. I'm in the middle of a massive project with massive potential upside, and I welcome those of you reading who are also prayer warriors to pray for the hearts and minds of everyone involved and that God would continue to order our steps in every decision we make from inside personnel to outside investors.
I bring that up because I was scrolling on social media the other day and came across a mega-mansion. This thing was colossal. It looked like it had stadium ceilings and opened onto the beach. It was beautiful. At that exact moment, the Holy Spirit said be careful what you wish for. And suddenly, I understood the meaning behind Proverbs 30:8-92.
Let's be clear: we all need money, but how much is enough? Although beautiful, the mega-mansion looked like a burden on the soul. I could only justify living in something like that if generations lived under the roof with me. It would take a lot to feel comfortable.
It's the same reason I don't understand how mega-church pastors can pull up to their church in luxury vehicles, knowing some of their congregation are struggling to make ends meet3. Like the mansion, I would feel the weight of those struggling and find it burdensome to enjoy luxury if I'm not doing enough to help meet the needs of others4. And even still, some things are just excess and pointless beyond measure.
I'm not saying Christians can't have nice things, primarily if those things are held in perspective5. But it would be wise to take inventory of the heart and judge the underlying motivations as it relates to money and how we use it. Many scriptures suggest money is good when used properly6.
When you understand that we are all simply stewards of all that he provides, knowing that we cannot hold onto anything in this world, the mindset should be that of honoring God with all that he has given us by the air in our lungs and by the light in our eyes7.
Day trading is an opportunity8 like any other. It’s a skill one can learn to make money and allow it to be used in a manner fitting for your household needs and the needs of others. I’m teaching myself to trade because it aligns with my lifestyle, I enjoy learning new skills, and I’m fascinated by the challenge and psychological component.
In addition, it’s essential that we stay busy9, never stop learning, and try our hands at new things. We don’t know what will bring profit until we step out in faith10. We don’t even know if profit is a blessing or a curse, especially when we choose to covet and compare. The best thing we can do is seek God first11 in all things and pray his will be done. Amen.12
Good Day Traders: This is my journey to a million in the markets.
Trade Name: Devout Disciple
To Thy Matchless Glory👑
But Jesus replied, “Foxes have dens to live in, and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place even to lay his head.” - Matthew 8:20
Second, give me neither poverty nor riches! Give me just enough to satisfy my needs. For if I grow rich, I may deny you and say, “Who is the Lord?” And if I am too poor, I may steal and thus insult God’s holy name. - Proverbs 30:8-9
Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too. You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had. - Philippians 2:3-5
When the men with leprosy arrived at the edge of the camp, they went into one tent after another, eating and drinking wine; and they carried off silver and gold and clothing and hid it. Finally, they said to each other, “This is not right. This is a day of good news, and we aren’t sharing it with anyone! If we wait until morning, some calamity will certainly fall upon us. Come on, let’s go back and tell the people at the palace.” - 2 Kings 7:8-9
Then he said, “Beware! Guard against every kind of greed. Life is not measured by how much you own.” - Luke 12:15
Good people leave an inheritance to their grandchildren, but the sinner’s wealth passes to the godly. - Proverbs 13:22
Remember the Lord your God. He is the one who gives you power to be successful, in order to fulfill the covenant he confirmed to your ancestors with an oath. - Deuteronomy 8:18
Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days. Don’t act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord wants you to do. Don’t be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, and making music to the Lord in your hearts. And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. - Ephesians 5:16-20
Just as you cannot understand the path of the wind or the mystery of a tiny baby growing in its mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the activity of God, who does all things. Plant your seed in the morning and keep busy all afternoon, for you don’t know if profit will come from one activity or another—or maybe both. - Ecclesiastes 11:5-6
I have observed something else under the sun. The fastest runner doesn’t always win the race, and the strongest warrior doesn’t always win the battle. The wise sometimes go hungry, and the skillful are not necessarily wealthy. And those who are educated don’t always lead successful lives. It is all decided by chance, by being in the right place at the right time. - Ecclesiastes 9:11
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. - Matthew 6:33
Choose a good reputation over great riches; being held in high esteem is better than silver or gold. - Proverbs 22:1